Saturday, June 30, 2007


Alexis has become quite the swimmer lately. We bought arm swimmies for her this year and they have worked quite well. Last year, she had to hang on me all the time but this year she is able to float all by herself. She's even jumping in off the side of the pool; although most of us would call what she does a belly flop. But at least she's trying. We're still working on not drinking the pool water as often. She doesn't mind going under water either. Dean and I will throw her back and forth and let her go under. The look on her face when she comes up is hilarious--her eyes are huge and she's probably wondering what were doing to her. But she continues to say "again, again". Hopefully by the end of the summer, she'll be swimming all over.

1 comment:

The Monroes said...

That is awesome that she already is OK with going under water. I cannot wait for Naomi to do that also.