A few weeks back Emily decided to give us a little scare. As Dean and I were cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, Emily decided to give her climbing skills a try and got up on the chair. Standing up backwards she tipped the chair over backwards and landed right on her face.....nothing to break her fall but her nose. It happened so fast that we only knew something was wrong with the scream. Now I am not one to worry about injuries too badly. I usually will try and brush it off not making a big deal about things. Dean is used to me being the calm collected one so when I said we probably should go to the hospital, he got a little more worried. Emily's poor face started to swell right away and her nose was bleeding......not a great amount luckily. Of course she wouldn't let us put ice on it so I wasn't sure what else to do. I really thought she had broken her nose so I thought we should get x-rays. I also didn't know about letting her go to sleep. The main thing that was on my mind was "concussion". So we all piled into the car for a trip to the ER. To make a long story short, we got in to see the doctor right away and proceeded to have x-rays taken. Boy was that fun!!!! (sarcasm) One popsicle and a $200 co-pay later we found out that Emily was going to be fine. No broken nose.....but a pretty significant bruise. The pictures show it a little better. Emily was a real trooper through all this and Alexis thought it was fun heading to the hospital and having a popsicle too. Needless to say Emily is no longer allowed to climb on chairs. A fairly expensive and painful lesson.

This picture was taken about 4 days after the initial
fall. She's such a trooper.....and still smiling!!!

I don't think we went out in public for 2 weeks.
I didn't want any "questions" !!!
1 comment:
OMG poor Emily and poor you! That looks like it hurt, glad she was ok!
Good to see recent pics of the girls on here, they are looking so much older now!
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