Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alexis's 1st day of Kindergarten

It's hard to believe it but Alexis has started Kindergarten and she LOVES it!!!!! She's been going now for about a month and fits right in. She loves her teacher and wants to take something to her daily. Yesterday she wanted to take her an apple. I thought that was only in books and movies. Everyday I see her it's kind of bitter sweet to see how fast she's growing up.

Alexis and her new school outfit. She loves the
camera just like her sister.

Best buddies Alexis and Andrew waiting at the
bus stop.

Dropping Alexis off at school for her first day. This
year she's not able to get bussing because we live
too close. She's hoping that next year she'll be
able to ride.

And off she goes all by herself. I even asked her if
she wanted me to walk her up. She said, "No mommy
I can do it by myself". I must admit that I had
tears in my eyes as I was pulling away from the


The Monroes said...

awe... Alexis looks so old. I am glad she is loving school!

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