Well I know it's been quite a while but I've finally downloaded several pictures from the summer. We had a great summer but it went by soooooo fast. Now we are already in fall and I can't quite believe it. Here are a few of the pictures from the summer.

Emily is thoroughly enjoying her lunch! Good to
the last drop!!!


As most of you have seen, it was difficult to get
the kids all together. At least Miles and Naomi
know what camera to look at.

Emily had a blast opening her birthday presents.
She seemed to like the paper more than the
presents like most 1 year olds.

Emily was not a big fan of the birthday hat. It just
so happened that the strap snapped just as I was
putting it around her chin. Wasn't sure if she
got snapped or not.

We celebrated 3 birthdays at the end of July.
My father in law has a birthday on the 29th and
Emily and I share the 30th.

Emily is quite the ham. She loves the camera.

Papa and Nana were able to spend some time
up north with us this summer. The girls got to
spend some quality time with them both.

Nana was able to stay the month of July and really
was able to get to know Emily. The girls had a

4th of July celebration. 2nd cousins Brayden and
Zac, Alexis and Emily, and cousins Andrew and
Niko. Believe it or not we did not plan the color
scheme. Pretty impressive huh???