Emily's first time to the beach. I tried everything
I could to keep a hat on this kid. She did seem
to enjoy herself though.
Alexis always has fun at the beach. What was even
better is that my cousin was in town for Todd's
wedding and his daughter Molly and Alexis got
to spend some fun time together.
This is hat number two. We might be able to keep
this hat on long enough to take this picture. Emily
looks like a little chunk in this picture.
Alexis and Papa drawing pictures of each other.
They had so much fun together.
These four kids had so much fun together at the
rehearsal dinner. My cousins' two daughters and
my cousin Kevin.
Emily is such a ham. She is still pretty clingy
though. Won't go to too many other people still.
Emily was all sprawled out taking an afternoon
nap. I love baby pictures when they're only
in their diapers.
Nana made a fun playroom for Alexis inside the
closet, polly pockets and all. She spent hours in
here playing by herself.
Emily thought she would be funny and pull out
all the books from the bookshelf. Aren't messes
so much fun?