Saturday, November 24, 2007

Gymnastics Pictures

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know this is one of my favorite holidays, especially since I get to eat anything and everything I want. Well I was finally able to catch a few pictures of Alexis while at gymnastics on Saturday. I had to be quick with each snap since she runs around the gym like a wild banshee. She still seems to enjoy herself and really looks forward to it each week. Here are a few of the shots I was able to get.


the youngbergs said...

How fun! I see some uneven bars in her future!!!

The Scotts said...

She looks like she is having so much fun! Too cute!

The Monroes said...

Wow what a set up that place has! That is a good activity before nap time... how fun!

caxline said...

tell mommy you need a leotard and tights like a real gymnast. did she play softball in jeans?